This may sound like a dream for the poor and the afflicted. It may be scoffed at by those who work day by day with the broken hearted and discouraged. But it’s true!
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It’s easy to miss the lonely and the isolated, even in a crowd. Are you and your congregation prepared to make friends with the lonely? Or are you distracted by all the busy-ness of the season?
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For a long time, my questions has been: "Why do we wait for something that is already here?" Is it an example of Christmas-time "parental control” to make us behave? Is it just Tradition?
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First, I see a difference between “Human” caused Evil and natural events (i.e. Flood, Earthquake, Tsunamis, Disease, Drought, etc.). The pain and suffering of these natural events are obviously devastating and cause great harm but in their creation we now know through science that they are not intentionally aimed to cause harm.
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“Every morning is Easter Morning” (by Avery & Marsh) is a song that proclaims the gospel like no other. It's sings out the reality that Easter is now every day. Death is no more. This is the Good News that...
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Easter proclaims the most transformative event in the history of the world. Billions of lives have been changed because of its truth and power.
Yet today, 2,000 years after the birth of Jesus, the Messiah, it’s treated like another secular holiday. For most people it’s devoid of the power expected the most important “Holy Day” of the year!
What if.......during LENT:
We took a small step to turn Lent into the profound preparation for the gateway of Easter it was meant to be.
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We are living in a "Gutenberg Moment"* that dwarfs other such moments by it’s breath-taking power to change life on earth. In the past, such moments end up disrupting everything. Nothing is the same. Everything before is changed. The digital...
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Now is a true revolutionary time to proclaim the radical, transforming, heavenly, unconditional love of Jesus Christ, spoken and lived in ways that invites everyone to come home.
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“Blurred Lines” would make a great theme song for the 2019 Special UMC General Conference in February. What we about to witness is a full throated, post-modern deconstruction of our United Methodist association. We are asked to choose between cutting...
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This month our church will be specifically focused on “Discipleship.” Discipleship simply means “to follow Jesus.” The first Disciples were called from their jobs and from their homes to literally follow Jesus around. As the travelled around the Sea of...
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