The year 2020 will long be remembered for it's tectonic shift of attitudes and behaviors regarding race and racism. Major shifts are happening right now in the United States and perhaps the world. God's Holy Spirit is moving in every...
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Here's some great ideas for different age groups. Be sure to talk about your faith as well. It's a critical part of making sense of the world and responding with God's unconditional love and graceful forgiveness. A quick, only have...
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Hashtags are one word "tag lines" that reveal a special handle for web content. In this "Agapé Season" of our lives, Joanne and I have identified these four words as "words" to live by. They express the basic Christian outlook,...
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We are living in a "Gutenberg Moment"* that dwarfs other such moments by it’s breath-taking power to change life on earth. In the past, such moments end up disrupting everything. Nothing is the same. Everything before is changed. The digital...
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We're self-centered enough to think that if only we're good enough we'll be in love and with our loved ones forever. But we know deep down that no matter how hard we try, we're never really good enough. We all...
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Can we all agree that: 1) God loves everyone deeply and individually where they are. 2) The Holy Spirit challenges us all to become much more than where we started. 3) Everyone in the church - ALL sides in this...
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St. Valentine’s day is a cruel holiday. In the shadow of all the pink hearts and flying cupids are scores of people hiding their grief and heartache.
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We've begun a "post-retirement" website:, that will be the hub of our future activities with all of you. We hope you visit it and find inspiring things to do for your soul and for your church community.
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After church on Sunday (July 23), you may have noticed a group of people under our “Gathering Tree” in front of the Sanctuary. They were all ages and dressed in various ways: casual, shorts & sandals, work clothes and one...
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The answer is in another question: Will WE have faith? Children learn faith from their parents and the adults around them. If they see the adults they love praying, talking about God and God’s loving goodness, they soon learn that...
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