First, I see a difference between “Human” caused Evil and natural events (i.e. Flood, Earthquake, Tsunamis, Disease, Drought, etc.).
The pain and suffering of these natural events are obviously devastating and cause great harm but in their creation we now know through science that they are not intentionally aimed to cause harm. (More on that in a following post on "Science & Religion".)
Most of these natural events could be avoided by wisely choosing where and how we live, when and where to seek safety and prudent care in risk taking.
For me, the most horrible evil acts have their roots in the human heart. The willful inflicting of pain and torture, the instigation and neglect of suffering and injustice, the addiction to violence and war are all clearly evil not only for the great harm they cause to others, but because they are often intended to cause that harm.
For me, it’s important to realize that relationships are at the heart of all creation. From the grand interconnected physical ecology that we all live in (“all things are related and relative”), to the deeper, intentional “spiritual” relationship between self-aware and self-conscious beings, most powerfully expressed in humans and God.
I trust in the understanding that God has created and is creating all that we can ever know and experience, from the smallest sub-atomic particle to most distant galaxies in the universe. And, more importantly, I trust that God has created us not just to exist, but to be in a dynamic, powerful and loving relationship that has the possibility of never ending.
The crucial part of being in a relationship, as many of you have pointed out, is FREE WILL, our authentic choice as humans. The WHY I alluded to earlier is the realization that for a true, loving relationship to exist, it must be freely given on both sides. For a love that is forced and controlled by the other is not love at all but merely one person controlling another.
Why is it necessary for God to gift us with that kind of freedom of choice and not just program us to be good?
(And a major concern of mine is not just FREE WILL, but why is there FREE WILL?)
But be forewarned, there is a caution. FREE WILL is a two-edged sword!
With the power of Free Will to choose love and be in an authentic relationship comes the power to NOT choose love and relationship. To reject the other and to choose to HARM the other(s) as well.
And here is what I believe is the source of what we call “Evil”, a menacing power of fear and self-survival that lurks in our hearts. A force that can often overwhelm us and lead us into greatly destructive actions harmful for everyone around us as well as ourselves.
Evil is manifested when people choose to place themselves as the ultimate goal of life, ignoring (or living in ignorance of) the needs of others. They live a self-centered existence, focused on “gods” of their own making: wealth, power, greed, pride, lust, gluttony, controlling others, etc. They “want what they want” no matter how many others are deeply hurt by their actions. They live deeply in themselves to the exclusion of others, so they go through life becoming ever lonelier and ever more isolated in their selfishness and fear.
And from that choice of putting self, above all others, comes the great evil of hurting and harming others. From the Millions sent to concentration camps in WWII, and the brutality of nations starting wars and “police actions”, to the daily slights, insults, disrespects, and prejudices that individuals inflict on their friends, neighbors and strangers. All these are evil in the most basic sense of the word: intentional (or even unaware) harm to others.
When we turn from the loving creator and away from the amazing creation gifted to us, we conclude that life is brutal. Our life is comprised of only what WE see, hear, taste, touch and feel. We give ourselves over to a path of self-centeredness and it will likely lead us ever deeper into self-aggrandizement at the expense of others (evil).
So, this intentional free-will choice of Evil is the most tragic and destructive of all.
Free Will is a gift from God that allows us to freely and completely decide that unconditional love and forgiveness is the way to live on the highest level of existence. A place of wisdom and compassion, healing, and hope. But it also lets us choose to turn away from all that is good and beautiful.
As the video points out, there are many ways to understand the presence and persistence of Evil.