With the Covid-19 pandemic slowly coming under control, we will be putting the local church pieces together in new ways... AGAIN(!).
You and your church leaders have a choice:
Will you rebuild the 19thcentury?
.....or create the church of the 21st?
In other words, are you seeing the church with 19th & 20th Century eyes, or do you have a 21st Century vision filled with wisdom and joy?
Infrastructure is a new watchword that's in the news and on our minds.
Some commentators are defining Infrastructure on early 20th century, “industrial economy” ideas. Others see infrastructure more broadly, including new things.
"Helping people be more productive" is now the guiding thought on Infrastructure. It includes the Internet, Education, Childcare, Health care, Elder care and many other considerations of a “People Economy.”
[NOTE: a powerpoint show of this material is available here.]
Perhaps your leadership has moved to a “One Board” model of congregational governance. But have you taken the next step?
(For a full description of “One Board” model and “How To” is found here! Also, please see the Cal Pac Intro to “Simple Board Governance Academy” model here!)
Are you ready to evaluate and update the infrastructure of ALL your church’s ministries and activities?
We’ve been gifted with a once-in-a-lifetime "re-evaluation of society" when your church leaders are open to some Christ-centered, theological and strategic decision making.
Do it soon before things settle into a “new normal!”
For example: You’ve probably added new streaming media skills. But have you.....
- Paused for prayer and quiet to listen with scripture (Lectio Divina) God’s hope and dream for the church?
- Have you held your congregation accountable to the Mission / Vision / Core Values[1] of what it means to be a church?
- Can you evaluate, trim and renew your basic Christian congregation infrastructure?
(Note: a step by step process is found here: “Is Your Church Ready for Recovery?” )
Buffet Dining: All too often the many “Tactical” decisions we make are like dining at a buffet..... so many choices! We’re tempted to sample a little of everything.. or take an overloading on what we like the most. We rarely get a well-balanced meal.
The TST model (Theology / Strategy / Tactics) broadens our decision making process. It helps us rethink our theology of the church, of our worship and of our common mission. It helps us plan an overall strategy to choose the best tactical pieces for our goals.
Your church governing body is most likely composed of people who bring various experiences of the church and other organizations. There are also "new" leaders trying to understand the "old" leaders. All of them need some “basic training” in how your church is different from all those other memories.
It’s crucial to periodically schedule church “Team building” activities. Make sure everyone is all on the same page!
It’s important for your leaders to have regularly scheduled “retreat” or “Visioning[1]” times to pray together and to strengthen a common understanding of the church.
Out of such gatherings (at least a morning usually every 3-5 years ), you’ll discern the vision of where God wants your congregation to grow and go in the immediate future.
- T - It begins with some practical Theology, the shared understanding of why you are there and what direction you are headed in. (Do more than a brief scripture study. Have a more wholistic, dynamic approach. Don't leave it as just a “devotional” time. Church leaders need some deep thinking "meat" and sharing together about God, Christ and the church.)
For example: Many churches are discovering that the phrase “We need to preach the Gospel” has lost its meaning in the 21st Century.
There are so many different meanings of “The Gospel” and it's often used as a shorthand for "God’s love", used to justify anything.
An indepth look at Mark 1:14-15, (as well as Matt 4:17, Luke 4:17-21, John 1:12-18 plus any of the many “Parables of the Kingdom”) is central to this more serious effort.
Challenge your leaders to link the gift of God in Christ to the realized Kin(g)dom/Realm of God/Heaven.
They have some ideas about Heaven and Hell. Explore them together! It's a way to talk about Evil & Earthly living, Transformation & Transcendence of pain. These topics make sense to many people.
Help them see that Heaven is “both / and”. Both now, in part, and in the future, in fullness.
- S - The Strategy part then looks hard at each area of church work and ministry. Ask the hard questions about “pruning” and “strenthening”. Evaluated each area and its impact on the overall Mission of the church. Do you have enough leaders to carry out the job with gracious love and dedication? Are they trained properly? Do they have the resources to do their job?
In addition, follow up with questions such as:
- “What are our adult discipleship/learning/growing expectations?”,
- “Is our church/congregation an effective and obvious “taste of heaven?”,
- “How do we talk about “Heaven on Earth” as reflected in our church?, in our lives?”
- “Does our worship reflect our joyous ‘Easter life’ as ‘citizens of heaven’?" (Phil 3:20)
- ......or is it only filled with beautiful music, announcements and a lecture with guilt?”
- “Are ALL our gatherings reflective of that joy of gathering in God's heaven?"
Especially question what you hope to happen in your Christian Ed. ministries for children, youth and adults...
- "Do our Women’s/Men’s ministries address the spiritual and practical needs of our neighborhood?"
- "Do our Mission/Outreach programs connect with the Spiritual hunger as well as service?"
- "Is the heavenly touch of God’s Unconditional & Forgiving Love openly talked about and experienced in our congregation and the community around us?"
• T- Re-evaluating our Tactics quickly follows.
What are the specific ways you improve your mind-set about God and Jesus as well as your "serve".
Are the actions you take ending with the discerned results? Are you testing our personal devotional habits as well as social activities? Does all that we do fulfill the mission of “to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world"?
Anything that doesn’t help us live deeper into God’s heart is left behind.
Anything that may help us be challenged, grow and empowered by the Holy Spirit is encouraged.
Everything is measured by this simple question:
“Is this helping us grow spiritually as we inhabit this heavenly place called life or not?”
[1] [NOTE: *Visioning: Visioning is that part of the “Mission / Vision / Core Values” that takes the mission and makes it "personal", contextual to your local church. For example, one church may have a preschool, another a long term Hunger and Homeless program. Another may have “out of the park” music offerings and a fourth a comprehensive and exciting Sunday School.
The CORE VALUES then list the CHARACTER of your actions. Core Values are things you want everyone in your congregation to live by: Grace, Accountability, Honesty, Care, Compassion, etc. These Core Values apply to everything you do and reflect your basic beliefs about God in Christ.
Note: Need some coaching to help iprovide your church leadership with ways to engage and develop the Mission / Vision / Core Values? Please contact us! We’ll help you design ways to make that happen. Call Pastor Terry at 661-717-0162 or email us at: [email protected].]