The answer is in another question: Will WE have faith?
Children learn faith from their parents and the adults around them.
If they see the adults they love praying, talking about God and God’s loving goodness, they soon learn that God is to be trusted.
When adults explore their God-given opportunity to see the world as Jesus sees it, the children want to join in and begin to see lots of new things.
When adults allow themselves to be enthusiastic about God’s Kingdom, to live with the contentment and joy that is part of being a citizen of heaven, children know that the Holy Spirit is real and that they can be a citizen too.
How do we stay strong and even grow in the spirit of Jesus Christ in our lives?
It takes work. Paul writes:
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed
by the renewing of your minds,
so that you may discern
what is the will of God
—what is good and acceptable and perfect.”(Romans 12:2)
“…love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honor.” (Romans 12:10)
Last Sunday, I finished our sermon series on the Book of Romans (“The most important letter ever written”) by challenging us all to a 30 DAY CHALLENGE.
Here’s what I meant.
- Read the Bible daily. (Mark or John is good, or continue with Romans.)
- Take some silent time with God. Reflect on God’s love. Listen for God’s voice.
- Love others as Christ loves them.
- Forgive someone… (soon!)
- Identify and “talk God” with at least two Christian Friends
- Join a Resurrection Family Group.
- Be active in a ministry/outreach.
- Make WORSHIP a priority.
- Talk to someone about your spiritual journey
- How was your life “before”?
- What changed in your life?
- How are you now spiritually different?
“By __________, I will _____________!”
- simple, positive, attainable
- Make it important, make room for it.
- Share it with someone. Have them ask you about it in a week.
HERE ARE SOME SUGGESTIONS for your goal: (choose 1 or 2 in prayer.)
- Read Bible daily
- Worship more often
- Study/read about God
- Join a ministry/outreach
- Take on a Spiritual Fast
- Celebrate Holy Communion (7/2)
- Reaffirm your Baptism
- Forgive someone
- Repair a relationship
- Do an act of unexpected kindness
- Love unconditionally
- Make a friend with a stranger
- Talk about the spiritual journey
- Take Actions for Justice
Do this not because they are good things to do (and they are), but because of a more profound reason:
- Jesus the Christ is given to us in unconditional love. (The gift of the cross)
- A recognition that our self-centeredness is holding us back. (A confession of our Sin.)
- God forgives our past, and fills us with hope for a loving, graceful, forgiving future. (Bestowing on us a Citizenship in Heaven right now.)
The 30 day challenge is on! How will you be transformed by living closer to God through Jesus Christ?
Tell someone about it!
What scripture has stayed with you this week?
What have others learned about Jesus Christ because of you?
How goes it with your soul?
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Terry