We all know that our world is in great turmoil and change. The news is upsetting and people easily get riled up and angry with each other.
Many are unhappy with their lives, with society around them and with what they see as the future. So often all we hear about is painful and tragic news.
Perhaps you are also aware that many people are praying for another revival in the spirit of the great American revivals of the past. (1730’s-1743, 1800-1840, 1850’s-1900 and late 1960’s – early 1970’s)
If such a spiritual renewal were to happen today, it will be because churches and other similar gatherings will be filled with people of good faith and love, and who take seriously the task before them.
Across the board, such groups need to work together and overcome the forces of chaos and mistrust with the power of faith and God’s love.
It’s clear that our society as a whole will not have the wisdom, strength or vison to make this renewal happen. Only people guided by a higher power, focusing on God’s love and reaching out with Christ’s forgiveness, grace and hope can see it through.
Most of all, it will require all of us to take seriously the critical role that we will need to play in rebuilding our fearful and angry world into God’s Kingdom guided by wisdom, trust, understanding and love.
Such a great undertaking starts with prayer. For it is not by our efforts that such a renewal will occur.
It is only by aligning our hearts and minds with the love and wisdom of God will such a holy thing happen.
We know beyond a doubt that God wants to reconcile the world to his loving purposes:
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” John 3:16 & 17 NIV
And so, my brothers and sisters. There is nothing more important for the future of the world we leave to our children, our neighbors and all the people around the world, than to listen to the word of God, and live our lives filled with the Holy Spirit.
As Christians, we are baptized into the realm of God’s heavenly kingdom. We are immediately made citizens of that heaven by virtue of God’s great love for us and our willingness to be led by God’s full grace: Jesus Christ.
We pledge allegiance to God’s kingdom every time we pray the Lord’s prayer. We live out that citizenship with every step we take, every thing we do, and every word we share with our family, our neighbors, and even strangers.
Join us in the worship of our loving God over the next few weeks as we touch on some of the high points of Paul’s Letter to the Romans.
Strengthen your faith, expand your prayers, and work together with people of all good faith and love in a new and powerful way.
Let us join together for the rebuilding of our society around the eternal principles of our loving lord, Jesus Christ.
We affirm that God has no hands but our willing hands, no feet but our ready feet. Let us encourage the best in us and in all those around us.
We are in the midst of an exciting time in the life of our church and our world. We can become part of what God is doing in the midst of difficult times.
We continuously pray in the power of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Creator God for we know that God is trustworthy and will never leave us.
What scripture has stayed with you this week?
What have others learned about Jesus Christ because of you?
How goes it with your soul?
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Terry
p.s. Don’t forget: The “Real Discipleship Survey” found on our website; www.LancasterUnited.org It is anonymous and is a great help in deepen your discipleship journey. Try it out!