Welcome to "e-Soundings", Thoughts and Reflections by Dr. W. Terry Van Hook.
"Soundings" were taken by sailors as they entered unknown waters. They were measuring how deep it was.
A sailor on the bow dropped a weighted rope into the water marked by knots tied at regular intervals. Knowing the depths helped the captain navigate.
My "eSoundings" are thoughts and reflections about the cultural currents and dangerous shoals we are passing through today.
Your comments are enthusiastically encouraged as we share our thoughts with each other.
This may sound like a dream for the poor and the afflicted. It may be scoffed at by those who work day by day with the broken hearted and discouraged. But it’s true!
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It’s easy to miss the lonely and the isolated, even in a crowd. Are you and your congregation prepared to make friends with the lonely? Or are you distracted by all the busy-ness of the season?
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For a long time, my questions has been: "Why do we wait for something that is already here?" Is it an example of Christmas-time "parental control” to make us behave? Is it just Tradition?
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First, I see a difference between “Human” caused Evil and natural events (i.e. Flood, Earthquake, Tsunamis, Disease, Drought, etc.). The pain and suffering of these natural events are obviously devastating and cause great harm but in their creation we now know through science that they are not intentionally aimed to cause harm.
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"The kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God are but two phrases for the same thing. They mean, not barely a future happy state, in heaven, but a state to be enjoyed on earth...." John Wesley
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The Christmas staple of the Messiah is spectacular! The "Halleluiah Chorus" alone is often the sentimental "showstopper" in many Christmas concerts.
But aside from its beauty and reference to the Christ-child, it's real intention and message is to link Christmas to Easter, (which is the reason for Christmas after all!).
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